Native Windows GUI: Dialogs

Dialogs are premade window that returns values.

Dialogs are not required for every application, as such they are all feature-gated.
Native windows GUI includes 3 builtin dialogs:
See the Showcase for the dialog looks And see the examples for a code example

Basic usage

Dialogs are resources and not controls.

Because of this, dialogs do not need a parent and they cannot accept children.
Just like the other NWG components, dialogs are created with builders. The documentation enumerates their parameters.

Dialogs are called by using the method run(parent). This method will block the current function. This is because dialogs have their own events loop. Because of this, the other window in the same thread should be disabled while the dialog is running. This is done automatically setting the parent parameter in a dialog.

Once the user selects a value, the selected value will be saved in the dialog object. Each dialog has a specific method to fetch this data.
if {
    if let Ok(directory) = app.open_directory_dialog.get_selected_item() {

File dialog

FileDialog uses the common item dialog (link) It supports the FileDialogAction::Open, FileDialogAction::OpenDirectory and FileDialogAction::Save.

A file dialog can accept multiple files if the multiselect flag is set in the builder. The multiselect flag can also be changed with the set_multiselect method. The multi select flag can only be used with opening dialogs.

To display a FileDialog, call Just like the other dialog, this will start a new event loop.

To fetch the results of a file dialog, use the dialog.get_selected_item() for single select file dialog and dialog.get_selected_items() for multi select file dialog. Calling the wrong method will return an Error.

Color dialog

A color dialog returns a color in a [R,G,B] format. The values will range from [0u8, 0u8, 0u8] (black) to [255, 255, 255] (white).

To display a ColorDialog, call Although it is optional, you should specify a window as parent. Just like the other dialog, this will start a new event loop.

To fetch the results of a color dialog, use the dialog.color() method.

The color dialog allows the developer or the user to save up to 16 custom colors per dialogs. The user sets the color using the dialog interface, and the developer can set/get the colors using set_saved_color(index, color) or saved_color(index).

Set the saved colors in the color dialog builder using the saved_color(index, color) method.

Font dialog

A font dialog returns a FontInfo object that describes the font selected by the user (not a font resource).

To display a FontDialog, call Although it is optional, you should specify a window as parent. Just like the other dialog, this will start a new event loop.

To fetch the results of a color dialog, use the dialog.font() method.

The font info can then be used to create font resources. Note that the default font resource provided by NWG is very simple and only supports a size, a family and a weight.

Custom dialog

Native windows gui does not use the default win32 way to handle custom dialogs because it involves use resource files, and worse, dialogs runs in another message loop in the same thread. Instead, user dialogs should be implemented as normal GUI object running in another thread. For an example see: the dialog example